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Brain Cancer Symptoms In Males

Brain tumor or brain cancer symptoms in males and females are very variable. They depend on the size of the tumor, its nature, and its place. Deviations can be directly attributable to tumor development (nerve tissue destruction or nerve constriction), but may also be reactive (an edema caused by an accumulation of fluid in the brain tissue).

The most common brain cancer symptoms in males and females are:
  • a headache (especially in the morning)
  • nausea and vomiting
  • a disturbed speech, face or hearing
  • equilibrium disturbances or difficulty coordinating gestures
  • mood fluctuations or personality disorders
  • memory problems or concentration problems
  • shock or muscle cramps
None of these abnormalities are automatically the result of a brain cancer. In any case, consult a physician if one or more of these symptoms persist.

Detection brain cancer
There is no systematic detection of this type of cancer.

Investigations for the diagnosis of brain cancer
If, after a general clinical trial, there is a suspicion that a patient has a brain tumor, the physician may consider it necessary to carry out various analyses and tests to detect a brain cancer. For example, an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan can be drawn up.

A neurological examination
The neurological research purpose is to test the functioning of the nervous system by means of simple tests. The following are investigated:
  • the muscle strength;
  • the reflexes with a small hammer;
  • the eyes to detect any changes that are caused by increased intracranial pressure;
  • the reaction of the pupils using a lamp, etc.
A blood loss
Based on a blood loss, the physician can check the level of markers that are specific to brain tumors.

A scan
A brain scan is a research medical imaging that is particularly suitable for detecting a brain cancer. In order to perform this research, it may be that you inject a contrast agent into your bloodstream.

Magnetic resonance uses magnetic fields to take pictures. These studies are often used to detect a brain tumor, usually after injecting a contrast agent into the blood.

An angiogram
This research makes it possible to visualize the blood supply in a region of the brain. It is a research that is not often used in brain tumors, but it happens that a doctor will apply for this when a tumor in the brain is getting bigger. It is useful, for example, in the case of meningiomas.

A biopsy
When the doctor finds a tumor, he performs a biopsy. That is, he removes the tissue to analyze under the microscope, to determine the exact nature of it.

*Image source : YouTube

References :
  1. National Cancer Institute
  3. American Cancer Society

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