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Liver Cancer Symptoms In Males

The liver is the largest internal organ of the body. The form of cancer that affects the liver or liver cancer called hepatocellular carcinoma. Liver cancer common cancer that seems a high incidence in males than in females. There are several forms of liver cancer. The cancer that develops in the liver is called hepatocellular carcinoma or primary liver cancer. Secondary liver cancer is cancer that begins in the liver, but liver cancer is sown to other organs. Most of the symptoms of liver cancer in males are also seen in females. There are signs and symptoms of liver cancer in males, which differ to gender.
There are several stages of liver cancer. The prognosis of liver cancer depends on these phases. In the following sections, we will discuss what are the symptoms of liver cancer in males.

What are the symptoms of liver cancer in males?

The symptoms of liver cancer are usually asymptomatic in the early stages. Symptoms of liver cancer slowly begin to appear when the disease progresses. If these signs and symptoms of liver cancer are ignored in males, the disease can develop to an advanced stage, it becomes very difficult to treat. Now let's see what are the symptoms of liver cancer are males.

Erectile problems
Males who suffer from cancer that can affect your abdominal area of ​​erectile dysfunction. This is because their genitals are very delicate and sensitive. Disturbances or changes in the biochemical level in the body can cause erection problems. There are many changes that affect human suffering, the body of liver cancer. These changes lead to erectile dysfunction in males with liver cancer. Not all points of erectile dysfunction in liver cancer. Get tested and find the cause of this cancer problem.

Breast augmentation
This may seem a bit strange, but a symptom is the enlargement of the breasts. This means that the breasts become larger and out of the extent of the swelling normally. Many people often have breast size with the size of a females breast. His breasts are feeling tender and painful. This is a very rare symptom that is not seen in many other conditions. Therefore, if a person experiences breast enlargement, the same consideration for liver cancer should be given.

The blood in the urine
One of the signs and symptoms of liver cancer in males is blood in the urine. This is a sign of liver problems, testicular cancer or prostate cancer as well. The liver is full of blood when the liver cells become malignant. This causes the blood to flow out of urine released and then observed in the urine. If a man is symptomatic, consult a doctor.

Inflammation of the testicles
swollen testicles are a common symptom of cancer in males. Sometimes cancer cells may spread to the liver that leads to an inflammation of the testicles or breeding cancer. Most of the time, these chunks are painless. This causes people to ignore this symptom and ignore the medical time bomb in his liver.

General symptoms of liver cancer

There are other symptoms of liver cancer, which are also common in females. The following symptoms were observed in both sexes.
  • Jaundice
  • Inexplicable weight loss
  • Loss of appetite
  • The pain on the right side of the abdomen at the area of ​​the liver
  • Radiating pain from the stomach to the shoulder blades as the disease progresses
  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Throwing up
  • Hepatitis
  • Cirrhosis
You should talk to your doctor if one of the signs and symptoms of liver cancer is observed. The risk of developing liver cancer increases if you have had hepatitis B, a chronic alcoholic, exposed to environmental pollutants ( such as polyvinyl chloride ) or liver cirrhosis. Males are 10 times more likely to develop liver cancer than females. If you have been diagnosed with liver cancer, ask your doctor for treatment options available to treat the disease. Most of the symptoms also observed in other forms of tumors in males. If you suspect any deviation or drastic changes in your body, seek medical attention.

References :
  1. National Cancer Institute
  3. American Cancer Society

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