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Percentage Of Forms Of Throat Cancer From HPV

Throat cancer is more and more caused by the HPV virus via oral sex but gives better survival chances. This is the conclusion of doctor-researcher Marieke Rietbergen of the VUmc in her doctoral research.

In 20 years time, the percentage of forms of throat cancer caused by the HPV virus has grown from 5% to 30%. In America, 70% of all forms of throat cancer are already related to the HPV virus. A worrying situation. A positive point here is that a form of throat cancer caused by the HPV virus is clearly better to treat with chemo than a form of throat cancer by other causes such as smoking and drinking.

Here the full press release from the VUmc:

More patients with HPV throat cancer, but better survival

The percentage of throat cancer in the Netherlands caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) has increased sixfold in the last 20 years, from 5% to 30%. Many changing sexual contacts and oral sex are risk factors for this type of throat cancer that mainly occurs in men. The survival of patients with throat cancer is caused by HPV is better than other throat cancer patients. 'Apparently, HPV-positive throat tumors respond well to treatment with chemotherapy and radiation,' concludes doctor-researcher Michelle Rietbergen, who will be awarded a Ph.D. by VUmc on May 7, 2014.

More than 550 people a year get throat cancer in the Netherlands. Important causes of this are smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Research by Michelle Rietbergen shows, however, that infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV) also causes throat cancer, especially in men. HPV is the virus that can cause cervical cancer in women.

Rietbergen compared the survival of patients with HPV-positive throat cancer with those of patients with throat cancer caused by smoking and excessive alcohol use. Five years after the diagnosis, seventy percent of patients with HPV-positive throat cancer still live, while this percentage in the other group is only forty percent. Apparently, the HPV-positive throat tumors respond well to the treatment by means of chemotherapy and radiation. This may mean that patients with HPV-positive throat cancer may have to undergo a less severe chemotherapy or radiation treatment in the future. That is why all throat cancer patients in the Netherlands are currently being tested for HPV. Because it is crucial to use a reliable HPV test for throat cancer, Rietbergen investigated various tests that are in circulation.

Plea for HPV vaccine
The percentage of throat cancer in the Netherlands caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) has increased from 5% to 30% in the last 20 years. This is shown by Rietbergens Ph.D. research among VUmc patients in the period 1990 through 2010. Many changing sexual contacts and oral sex are risk factors for this type of throat cancer that occurs more in men than in women. Rietbergen emphasizes that these facts argue for HPV vaccination. 'By vaccination, you can not only prevent cervical cancer in women but possibly also this form of throat cancer in women and men.' Before men will also be vaccinated against HPV, the effectiveness of the vaccine must first be demonstrated to them. At the moment, plenty of research is being done about this.

*Image source : Care Whizz

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