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Symptoms of Cervical Cancer

Symptoms of cervical cancer - Cervical cancer is the second most common type of cancer among the female population. Although this idea can be frightening, this kind of cancer can be successfully treated if it is detected in time. Today we are going to look at this type of cancer and discover 8 possible symptoms of cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer

This type of cancer usually starts in the surface cells of the cervix. It can be detected with a normal smear during a population screening, because the progression is usually very slow.

The first stage is a preliminary stage known as the dysplasia. A lot of time goes by before this has developed into cancer.

The biggest cause of this type of cancer is the human papillomavirus (HPV). This is a sexually transmitted disease . Although some infections disappear on their own, it can also trigger abnormal growth in the cells of the cervix . Usually this initially does not show any obvious symptoms, but there are a few warning signs that may be the key to early detection .

Let's take a look at this.

1. Misunderstood weight loss

Sudden weight loss without diet or training should under no circumstances be ignored. Yes, that is true, even if it is a dream come true.

This symptom can be caused by various factors. It occurs in patients who have cervical cancer due to the loss of appetite and nutritional deficiencies.

Abnormal cell growth can have a negative effect on your digestion . This ensures that your body does not digest the nutrients properly.

2. Hold inflammation and moisture

Changes in the cells of the cervix can also become visible due to an imbalance in the inflammatory processes in the body. As a result, your tissues can retain moisture .

Cervical cancer patients will notice inflammation at the bottom of their stomach, legs and abdomen . That is because this condition also affects the blood vessels.

3. Cystitis

Women who regularly have a bladder infection should know that this problem can be linked to cervical cancer .

Although it is rare, this symptom can also be due to inflammation in the cervix and bladder by cervical cancer . Tumors tend to push into organs and complicate the passage of urine and cause pain in the urinary tract .

4. Genital warts

Genital warts are a clear sign of a human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, which is primarily responsible for the development of cervical cancer. The small skin changes are not only unattractive, but they tend to spread very easily .

5. Abnormal secretion

Changes in vaginal discharge are often the result of a yeast or bacterial infection, caused by an imbalance in your natural pH.

If the secretion is watery or has an unusual texture or smell, it is quite possible that this is related to cervical cancer . This is because changes in the activity of the cells in the wall of your cervix can cause unusual secretion.

6. Pain during sex

There are many different factors that can cause pain during sex, but that does not mean that the growth of tumors in the cervix can be ruled out .

This can be caused by an inflammation of the cells in the cervix. This in turn causes changes in your natural moisture secretion.

7. Low back complaints

As with any other type of cancer, cervical cancer can have a significant impact on the inflammatory processes in your body tissues .

You can also have problems with your circulation . As a result, your muscles and tissues are not supplied with enough oxygen and other nutrients. This causes muscle cramps that give a constant feeling of pain . In addition, the pain is almost always situated in the lower back and in the arms and legs.

8. Anemia

If the disease progresses, your body can not use the nutrients in the usual way and you notice a loss of appetite . First of all, this exacerbates your feeling of fatigue during the day. In addition, it can lead to severe periods of anemia . This can affect your cognitive health, among other things.

This is also common when the cancer causes irregular or very violent menstruations .

As a woman, it is very important that you pay attention to these symptoms of cervical cancer . Ask for a smear if you suspect something is wrong. Regular medical checks are essential for successful treatment of this condition, especially if your family has cervical cancer.

*Image source : WebMD

References :
  1. National Cancer Institute
  2. Gezonder Leven
  3. American Cancer Society

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