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Pancreatic Cancer And Smoking

Pancreatic cancer and smoking - Leaving cigarettes are not easy, but reducing your risk of pancreatic cancer is a good reason to change this lifesaving.

Pancreatic cancer is one of the most deadly and serious forms of cancer. Pancreatic cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer deaths in the Europe. It is usually diagnosed late and is therefore very difficult to treat.

Unfortunately, there are not many ways to prevent pancreatic cancer and the causes are largely unknown. What is known, however, is that smoking is a major risk factor for pancreatic cancer. The risk of pancreatic cancer is 2-3 times higher in smokers. Scientists think this is due to carcinogens in cigarette smoke that carry blood and damage the pancreas.

People who use smokeless tobacco are also at higher risk of pancreatic cancer. And, unfortunately, people who switch to 'light' cigarettes with lower tar and nicotine levels do not reduce their risk of pancreatic cancer.

Not only pancreatic cancer: smoking's deadly range
Pancreatic cancer and smoking - Stopping all tobacco products reduce the risk of not only pancreatic cancer but also other health problems such as heart disease, lung disease and other cancers, such as lung cancer, bladder cancer, and esophageal cancer. It will also increase the risk of passive smoking exposure to people around you.

"[The] risk of all these cancers declines when people stop smoking and they go up when they start smoking," said Otis W. Brawley, MD, chief medical officer of the European Cancer Society. According to Dr. Brawley, not smoking within 24 hours, your body is already responding favorably.

The withdrawal
Anyone who has tried to quit smoking knows that it is not easy. Leaving cigarettes and other tobacco products can be one of the hardest things that happen to you in your life, the reason being that the main ingredient in cigarette tobacco, nicotine, is very addictive.

Most people are unable to stop on their first attempt, so do not give up. It may take some time to quit smoking, but it will be the best thing you can do to protect your health and prevent pancreatic cancer.

There are many steps you can take to help you smoke habit for a good kick. Ask your doctor to point you in the right direction.

Overcoming smoking triggers
There are certain situations that may cause you to smoke. These are called smoking triggers. Identify which circumstances you want to burn and take steps to avoid them. Here are some of the most common smoking triggers and suggestions to overcome them.
  • Stress, feeling down or blue: If you feel stressed or sad and want to calm a cigarette or cheer it up, take a walk or practice deep breathing exercises.
  • Talking on the phone, driving, playing cards, or watching TV: Instead of smoking during these activities, suck on sugar-free sweets or gum chewing. Try eating carrots, celery, nuts or other healthy snacks to satisfy your oral desire.
  • Alcohol drinks: For many smokers, with a drink and a cigarette go hand in hand. This can stop one of the most difficult obstacles. Stay away from alcohol and social institutions until you have gotten your craving for nicotine under control.
  • Finishing a meal or drinking coffee: Go for a walk after dinner, pick up a crossword puzzle, or try to knit up any activity that occupies your hands. Try sucking on sugar-free candy or jump in the shower until the desire passes. If coffee is a trigger, achieve it for a healthy fruit smoothie instead. By eating healthy food, you may be less likely to want unhealthy smoke in your body.
  • Being with other smokers: Avoid being around other smokers until you have actually kicked. Your friends and family will understand. Consider joining a non-smoking support group.
  • Taking a work break: Go for a walk, meditate, or try some relaxing deep breathing exercises if you need a break. As an alternative, do not take a break until you control your cravings. Your increased productivity will make you feel good.
  • After sex: Brush your teeth, take a shower, chew bubble gum, hug, or get a glass of hot tea.

Remember that stopping is a process
Sometimes you have to take three steps forward, then a step back. If you give in to a desire and a cigarette, that does not mean that everything is lost. So you had a cigarette - make one start your last and again. Figure out what made you admit to the urge. Is it a glass of wine, eating out, or a long drive in the car? Identify your weaknesses and steps the next time so you will not give in

If you are a smoker and are concerned about your increased risk of pancreatic cancer, stop smoking now, especially if you have a family history of pancreatic cancer. Turn to supportive family and friends for help. Learn and practice tricks to outwit your smoking triggers. And when you need the motivation to help you stay a non-smoker, just think of everything you do for better health.

*Image source : Pixabay

References :
  1. National Cancer Institute
  2. Evb
  3. American Cancer Society

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