Ovarian Cancer Diagnosis Test
Ovarian cancer diagnosis test - At the GP, if you suspect ovarian cancer you will first receive a physical examination from the GP. This also includes an internal investigation.
At the gynecologist, in the hospital you can get the following ovarian cancer diagnosis test or examinations:
The gynecological examination usually consists of an external and internal examination, and a vaginal ultrasound. In the external examination, the doctor looks at the labia and the outside of the vagina. In the internal examination, the doctor makes a smear and performs a vaginal touch and/or a rectal touch. With the touchers, the doctor gets an impression of the location and size of the organs in your lower abdomen. With a vaginal ultrasound, the doctor can assess the ovaries and the inside of the uterus.
The ultrasound can be done internally via the vagina or externally via the abdomen. If the doctor sees any abnormalities, he can take a biopsy or a puncture. A piece of tissue is removed at the biopsy. With a puncture fluid from the abdominal cavity. The pathologist examines whether there are cancer cells in the fluid or in the piece of tissue.
The CA 125 content is measured with blood tests. About 80% of women with ovarian cancer have an increased CA 125 level in the blood. Result of blood test for ovarian cancer may be 99 percent accurate.
Further research
If the doctor thinks that you have ovarian cancer, often further research is needed. This happens in one of the gynecological-oncological centers. These are specialized in the treatment of ovarian cancer.
Here you can get the following tests:
In ovarian cancer there are 4 stages:
Stage I: the tumor is in 1 or both ovaries.
Stage II: the tumor has grown into other organs in the small pelvis:
Stage IV: there are metastases somewhere else in the body, for example in the lungs.
Doctors speak at an early stage at stage I and II A. And at the other stages of an advanced stage. Ovarian cancer is usually only found at this advanced stage.
If ovarian cancer sows, this happens mainly in the abdominal cavity. The tumor can also spread to other organs via the lymphatic system. Metastases via the blood are very rare in ovarian cancer.
At the gynecologist, in the hospital you can get the following ovarian cancer diagnosis test or examinations:
- physical examination
- gynecological examination
- ultrasound with possibly biopsy or puncture
- blood test
The gynecological examination usually consists of an external and internal examination, and a vaginal ultrasound. In the external examination, the doctor looks at the labia and the outside of the vagina. In the internal examination, the doctor makes a smear and performs a vaginal touch and/or a rectal touch. With the touchers, the doctor gets an impression of the location and size of the organs in your lower abdomen. With a vaginal ultrasound, the doctor can assess the ovaries and the inside of the uterus.
The ultrasound can be done internally via the vagina or externally via the abdomen. If the doctor sees any abnormalities, he can take a biopsy or a puncture. A piece of tissue is removed at the biopsy. With a puncture fluid from the abdominal cavity. The pathologist examines whether there are cancer cells in the fluid or in the piece of tissue.
The CA 125 content is measured with blood tests. About 80% of women with ovarian cancer have an increased CA 125 level in the blood. Result of blood test for ovarian cancer may be 99 percent accurate.
Further research
If the doctor thinks that you have ovarian cancer, often further research is needed. This happens in one of the gynecological-oncological centers. These are specialized in the treatment of ovarian cancer.
Here you can get the following tests:
- CT-scan
- sometimes an MRI scan
In ovarian cancer there are 4 stages:
Stage I: the tumor is in 1 or both ovaries.
Stage II: the tumor has grown into other organs in the small pelvis:
- Stage II A: to the uterus or fallopian tubes.
- Stage II B: to other tissues in the small pelvis.
- Stage II C: as in stage II A or II B, but also with cancer cells in the abdominal fluid.
Stage IV: there are metastases somewhere else in the body, for example in the lungs.
Doctors speak at an early stage at stage I and II A. And at the other stages of an advanced stage. Ovarian cancer is usually only found at this advanced stage.
If ovarian cancer sows, this happens mainly in the abdominal cavity. The tumor can also spread to other organs via the lymphatic system. Metastases via the blood are very rare in ovarian cancer.
*Image source : The Indian Express
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