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Stomach Cancer Signs or Symptoms

Stomach cancer signs or symptoms. Unfortunately, stomach cancer is very difficult to detect at an early stage, because of no specific signs of the first, just base thereof, it is possible to make sure it goes straight to the malignant tumor.

Symptoms of stomach cancer are very varied and may resemble many other diseases. And, not necessarily, signs of gastrointestinal lesions, often the symptoms are similar to those observed in diseases of other systems. So, there are often changes specific to the CNS (central nervous system) associated with a decrease of immunity or metabolic disorders, and weight loss.

Very rare people immediately notice a series of changes that can indicate the development of a malignant tumor. This depends largely on the size and location of the tumor, and the appearance and degree of differentiation.

Nevertheless, certain main features are inherently determined for a pathological process, somehow associated with the occurrence of malignant and/or benign tumors. Are pointed out and about local symptoms inherent in such diseases caused by stomach germs, damage to the surrounding tissue, and consequently a violation of evacuation of the stomach content and the functioning of the neighboring organs.

Common symptoms of the cancer process

As mentioned above, there are a number of symptoms associated with almost all cancer cases. These include:
  • dramatic weight loss;
  • lack of appetite;
  • lethargy, constant fatigue;
  • fatigue;
  • anemia skin color.
The above symptoms are typical of what type of cancer. Therefore, the purpose of early detection of stomach cancer (in the absence of other clinical signs) is the treatment of gastrointestinal and entire digestive tract cancer suggested for use in the diagnosis of complex symptoms as the "small sign syndrome."
With this technique, you can be simple enough to assume and further identify the malignant process. Which one would like time to start treatment and allow the spread of cancer cells to other organs.

That is also the concept of "small signs syndrome"?
  • the uncomfortable feeling of discomfort in the upper abdominal segment;
  • flatulence (or bloated feeling) after the meal;
  • unconditional lack of appetite, which then leads to rapid weight loss;
  • saliva flood, nausea to vomiting;
  • stomach acid - when the tumor is in the upper part of the stomach.
In general, patients become senseless, constantly feeling bad and tired very quickly.

Local stomach cancer symptoms
  • Are usually observed in decreasing the functional activity of the stomach and can be found in the connective area of ​​the duodenum and stomach - in the antrum. Patients often feel a sense of stomach upset. And because of the fact that the food comes through the gastrointestinal tract passes, and sometimes even stagnates there is often accompanied by farmers air-spoiled scent.
  • When the tumor is located in the first parts of the stomach, the patient feels swallowing problems, dysphagia. This problem is explained as follows: the initial amount of food is not released to the stomach, stagnates and obstructs the free flow of new portions of food the esophagus.
  • Often observed excessive saliva formation, which is associated with traumatization, passes near the vagus nerve.

*Image source : Vimeo

References :
  1. National Cancer Institute
  2. Symptomsys
  3. American Cancer Society

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