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Liver Cancer Life Expectancy

Liver cancer life expectancy. The HCC prognosis depends on the extent of the tumor and is also determined by the nature and severity of the underlying cirrhosis. The scientific literature does not provide a clear picture of the five-year survival after removal of the liver, the margins are very spacious: 11-76%.

Favorable factors
Prognostically beneficial factors after removal of an HCC tumor are:
  • when the diameter of the tumor is less than 5 cm;
  • when there is one tumor in place of multiple tumors;
  • when there are indications for capsular formation around the tumor; and
  • when no tumor thrombus is present in the vena portae (hepatic vein) or liver artery, the artery hepatica.

Precautionary actions
Liver cancer can often be prevented by reducing exposure to known risk factors for this disease.

The prevention and treatment of hepatitis infections
Worldwide, the main risk factor for liver cancer is a chronic infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV). These viruses can spread from person to person by sharing infected needles (such as in intravenous drug use) and through unprotected sex, so that some of these cancers can be prevented by sharing no needles (it is better at all not to use drugs) and safe sex (it safer sexuality however only give a place in a sustainable, mutually monogamous relationship with someone who is sure that he or she no STI has).

Limiting alcohol and tobacco use
Excessive drinking of alcohol for a long time can lead to liver cirrhosis, which increases the risk of liver cancer. Abstinence from alcohol or moderate drinking can help prevent liver cancer. Because smoking also increases the risk of liver cancer (and many other cancers and diseases), it is recommended not to smoke.

Striving for a healthy weight
Avoiding obesity is another way to protect yourself from liver cancer. People suffering from obesity are more likely to suffer from NASH and diabetes, both of which are associated with liver cancer.

Limiting exposure to carcinogens
Prevent exposure to carcinogens such as aflatoxins.

Treating liver diseases that increase the risk of liver cancer
Certain hereditary diseases can cause liver cirrhosis. Adequate and early treatment of these diseases can reduce this risk. For example, all children in hemochromatosis families should be screened for the disease and treated if they have it.

*Image source : Daily Express

References :
  1. National Cancer Institute
  3. American Cancer Society

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